06 August 2009

The Design I like

The poster design. I printed it on a canvas. I had a hard time for doing this thing..due to my pc unable to support such big files. Ou ya, its in A2 size.

The Design I like

The Cover of my resume design


age 23, 10.18 p.m

What i doing is sitting here in a boring room, feeling life is very unpredictable. Now i has a feeling of life is just like A B C . It's simple but yet we make it complicated. I'm not sure i'm doing the right thing which is taking this road to be a designer. It's just like a game, waiting for job change yet the road is so far and hard. Lots of quest waiting me to be done. I refius to think much. Its just making things complicated. When the quest has to be done, i just do it.

i have wrote many things, but i deleted them. : ) i hope i will change.